L7 – Speaking

Audio Assignment Instructions

Welcome to the audio assignment section of Pequenos Falantes! This assignment is designed to help your child practice their Portuguese speaking skills in a fun and interactive way. There are two activities to complete:

Activity 1: Read the Sentences Below

In this activity, your child will read aloud the sentences provided. This exercise aims to improve pronunciation, fluency, and confidence in speaking Portuguese. Please encourage your child to speak clearly and at a steady pace.

Sentences to Read:

Activity 2: Speak Freely

This exercise encourages spontaneous speaking, vocabulary usage, and the ability to express thoughts in Portuguese. Use the sentences learned in the lesson to talk about where you, your family and your things are using phrases like “onde está”, “eu estou” and “você está”.

Important Tips

  • Ensure your child is comfortable and relaxed before starting the recording.
  • Practice the sentences and topics a few times before making the final recording.
  • Make sure to complete both activities (Read the Sentences Below and Speak Freely). Record both in the same assignment file.
  • The recording has a maximum time of 1 minute.

How to Submit Your Audio Recording

  1. Record: Use a smartphone, tablet, or computer to record the audio assignment. Ensure your child is in a quiet environment for the best quality recording. Click “Start” to start recording.
  2. Listen: After recording, listen to the audio to ensure you are happy with it. You can record again if you prefer.
  3. Submit: Press submit to send your audio assignment. It might take a few seconds.

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